Dr. Angela Bearth

Dr.  Angela Bearth

Dr. Angela Bearth

Lecturer at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology

ETH Zürich

Professur für Consumer Behavior

CHN J 75.2

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

  • Risk Perception and Communication
  • Uncertainty and Science Communication
  • (Health) Behaviour Change
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Digital (Consumer) Behaviour, Willingness-to-Share and Privacy Preferences
  • Twitter Account: @cb_eth @a_bearth

Current research projects

  • Virtual Reality for Data Acquisition in Consumer Behavior Research (SNSF call "Digital Lives" with Christina Hartmann)
  • Intuitive Toxicology Revisited: Consumers' Perceptions of Toxicological Principles and Chemicals (PhD project: Rita Saleh)
  • Consumers’ Perception and Handling of Dangerous Household Chemicals - Implications for Risk Communication and Regulation (PhD project: Kim Buchmüller)
  • Unpredictability and Ambiguity in Security Measures (PhD project: Tamara Stotz)
  • Predictive Factors for the Willingness-to-Share Genetic Data for Research
  • The Communication of Scientific Uncertainty

Previous research projects

  • KTI-Projekt Nr. 19006.1 PFES-ES: Entwicklung eines Indexes zur Messung und Prognose der Datenteilbereitschaft von Konsumenten (Willingness-to-Share (WTS) Index) für WTS-basiertes Kundenscoring und Consulting

  • 2017/07 to present: Senior Researcher at ETH Zurich
  • 2015/02 - 2017/06: Researcher at ZHAW Winterthur
  • 2012/02 - 2015/01: Researcher and PhD student at ETH Zurich
  • 2009/06 - 2011/07: Research Assistant and Tutor at University of Zurich and Tobacco Monitoring Switzerland

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
752-2110-00L Multivariate Statistical Analysis
752-2120-AAL Consumer Behaviour I
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